​Wheeler County
Pictures provided by Damon Brosnan.

Wheeler County Circuit Court
On February 17th, 1899, Wheeler County was established. It was named after Henry Wheeler. He operated the first stage and mail line through the county. Three towns vied for the honor of becoming county seat but Fossil beat out the towns of Spray and Twickenham in the selection. The historic courthouse was built in Fossil in 1902 and it is still in use today. Fossil was named after the discovery of fossils there in 1876. Today, the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument continues to offer a glimpse into the past with plant and animal fossils that date back from 6 to 54 million years. For a small fee, the public is welcome to find and keep fossils on the Wheeler High School grounds in the town of Fossil.
The Wheeler County Courthouse is located at 701 Adams St., Fossil, Oregon 97830
Photos and information from the Oregon Secretary of State Archives Division and The Oregon Blue Book, 2007-2008.
Contact Information
Nicole Lathrop
Phone: (541) 763-2541
Fax (541) 763-2543
PO Box 308
Fossil, OR 97830
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 11:30 am
The Circuit Court maintains civil, criminal and family law records. There are four judges within the 7th Judicial District who travel to Wheeler County on a monthly rotational basis.