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Contact Information


Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 12:00 pm 

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Assessor & Tax Collector

Term Ends: 2026

Auralea Johnson

701 Adams St. Suite 203

P.O. Box 447

Fossil, OR 97830

Phone: (541) 763-4266

Fax: (541) 763-2026



Deputy Assessor & Tax Collector

Tyler Odom

(541) 763-4266



Assessment & Taxation Overview


Property Value Appeal Forms


Property Value Appeal Board

Chairperson - Clinton Dyer

Board Member - Peggy Long

Board Member - Hannah Sharp

Board Member - Jennifer Homer

Tax & Assessment Fee Schedule




Make a tax payment using


A 3% service charge will be imposed by Merchant Services





Pay Assessment Report Fee(s) using Point & Pay






Quick Links








  •  Explaining Oregon Tax Fluctuation


















  • Business Personal Property









  • Property Tax Value Appeal









  • How Oregon Property Tax Began









  • History of the Oregon Property Tax System​







Assessment & Taxation Department
County Assessor is an elected position with a 4 year term

Try our new Assessment & Taxation Records Website for Tax Account Information, Details and Reports:



Information on Tax Lots:


Information available online through Wheeler County’s GIS site:​

  • Aerial Image Overlay

  • Flood Plain Boundaries

  • School District Boundaries

  • Tax Account Reports

  • Tax Lot Acreage

  • Tax Lot Overlay (Assessment Purposes Only)

  • Topographical Map

  • Water Lines

  • Zoning


Wheeler County Property Tax Overview - Details on Aggregate Property Values, Consolidated Rates, and Office Functions.


When researching a historical property:


To help find documents associated with your search we will need some of the following information:

  • Location – Map & Tax Lot (Township & Range, Section, etc.)

  • Current Owner

  • Current Address


Most reports can be obtained through

but special requests may only be available through phone/email requests:



  • Tax Account PayoffEmail us to request a payoff amount good thru a specific date.

  • GIS Shapefile - Email us to purchase a copy of Wheeler County's GIS Shapefile.



The Wheeler County Tax Office is responsible for the collection and administration of property taxes after the Assessor's office has set values and calculated the tax. Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapters 305 to 312, control and regulate all property tax functions. Property tax is defined as any tax, fee, charge, or assessment imposed by any government unit upon property or upon a property owner as a direct consequence of ownership of that property. (ORS 310.140).


Several property assessment & taxation reports are available on

If you see an error on a report or cannot find the information for which you are searching, please call our office for more information.

Tax Statements

​The tax office sends out four distinctly different property tax statements - real, personal, manufactured structures and utility - no later than October 25th of each year representing taxes for the current tax year, July 1st through June 30th. 

Tax Payments

​Tax payments are due each year by November 15th. Three equal payments on December 15th, February 15th and May 15th will prevent interest charges. Payment in full by November 15th provides a 3% discount and a 2/3rd payment by November 15th provides a 2% discount. Payments must be received or postmarked on or before November 15th to be eligible for a discount; interest begins accruing after December 15th. 

Appeal Rights

​The Wheeler County Board of Commissioners is required to appoint a Property Value Appeal Board. Appeal forms can be obtained from the County Clerk or online from Oregon Department of Revenue - Property Value Appeal Forms and must be submitted prior to December 31st. Board sessions begin the first Monday in February and may run through April 15th. Property owners may appeal the value of their property or penalties assessed for late filing of real or personal property returns. 

Delinquent Taxes

​All personal property tax is delinquent when any installment is not paid on time. The responsible taxpayer must be served with a warrant when the tax becomes delinquent. In Wheeler County warrants are routinely served after the February 15th payment date. Real property tax is delinquent if not paid on May 15th. Foreclosure proceedings on real property begin when taxes have been delinquent for three years. Foreclosure is a process used by the county to enforce payment of property taxes. 


Wheeler County Assessor's Office

"Unity in Purpose, Equity in Assessments"

Guided by Oregon State law and administrative rule, we strive for fairness, consistency, and equity in appraisals and assessment of Wheeler County property.


The assessor is dedicated to the utilization of technology, property appraisal methods, re-calcuation, and standards set by ORS; maintaining the basic foundation of property information for the taxpayer and public. The assessor strives to insure understanding of the assessment process and efficient use of resource.


The County Assessor's office does not provide public boundary lines; determine property zoning; provide easement information, well and septic information; or perform name changes for real property, this is done as a result of property record documentation in the Clerk's office.


The County Assessor's office does not determine the amount of taxes to be levied. Local budget committees within cities, the county, and special districts determine dollar amounts needed in tax levies.  The required amounts are placed on the tax rolls by the County Assessor. 


"Uniformity in taxation is not required. The Oregon Constitution requires that any assessment of taxes be done uniformly on the same class of subjects throughout the state. However, Measure 50 added another section to the Oregon Constitution that exempts itself from the uniformity requirements." Section XI Article 11 Oregon Constitution


Wheeler County is one of twenty-two counties statewide, utilizing powerful Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal and Government Revenue Management software, known as Helion - ORCATS.





Wheeler County is also part of a dual-county partnership that contracts with Harney County and Harney County GIS to provide GIS and Mapping support, further leveraging precious resources of time, money and representation, while enjoying the benefit of high quality skills and abilities that could not otherwise be afforded. Click on the image for more information.

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