​Wheeler County
Pictures provided by Damon Brosnan.

Asher Community Health Center & Home Health Services
712 Jay St.
PO Box 307
Fossil, OR 97838
Phone: (541) 763-2725
Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
For medical emergencies always call 911
Wheeler County Public Health
Shelby Thompson, Program Coordinator and Administrator
James Edwards, Medical Officer
712 Jay Street
P.O. Box 307
Fossil, OR 97830
Phone: (541) 763-2725
Fax: (541) 833-6415
Hearing Impaired:1-800-735-2900
Our Mission: To promote and protect the health of people in Wheeler County through education, empowerment, prevention, and the availability of compassionate care.
Community Counseling Solutions-Fossil Office
Services: Mental Health, Alcohol/Drug Treatment, Development Disabilities
Jeanne E. Burch Building
P.O. Box 207
401 4th St.
Fossil, OR 97830
Phone: (541) 763-2746
Fax: (541) 763-2170
Life Flight Network
Life Flight Network is as a not-for-profit air medical service. Membership covers you, your spouse, and dependents claimed on your tax return. Elderly or disabled living in the same household are also covered. You can join by contacting 1-800-982-9299 or by going online at
Airlink Critical Care Transport
AirLink is an air medical service covering Wheeler County. You can join by calling 1-800-793-0010 or visiting their website at
Tri County Ambulance Association
Tri-County Ambulance Association provides payment after insurance coverage for medically necessary services. Annual membership is $45. Participating ambulance services include Morrow County Health District EMS, South Gilliam County Ambulance Service, Arlington Ambulance Service and Fossil Volunteer Ambulance. Please call for more information (541) 676-2942
Four Rivers Early Learning Hub
Four Rivers Family
Health Care
Wheeler County health services began with humble beginnings in a Sunday School room of the Fossil United Methodist Church in the very early 70’s. Determined visionaries such as Clarence E. Asher and the timeless efforts of local folks such as Herb C. Wright, Andrew F. ‘Buck’ Leckie, Jack Steiwer, Ken & Marge Killingsworth, Lois Hunt, Rahles Goodell, John Frachella & scores of others gave us today, a Medicare Certified and Federal Qualified Health Center in Fossil named Asher Clinic after its founder and benefactor Clarence E. Asher.

Asher Clinic and its volunteer ambulance support services in Fossil, Spray and Mitchell has grown to include satellite clinics in Spray and Mitchell providing emergency and primary care including adult and juvenile dental care; mental health/substance abuse; prenatal care – regardless of ability to pay.

Additionally, a modern not-for-profit elderly housing facility called Haven House has been operating a 19 bed assisted care facility in Fossil since the early 80’s. Conveniently located across the street for Asher Clinic

Click Here to view the history of Wheeler County's commitment to build a strong health care system.

Make the Connection! -Visit the Make the Connection site for information on the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges, descriptions of research-based treatment options, and Veterans’ own inspiring stories of recovery.
Complaints regarding violations of the Indoor Clean Air Act may be filed on the Smoke Free Workplace website -
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