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Contact Information


Monday - Thursday 

8:00 am - 12:00 pm 

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Friday - By appt. only


Wheeler County Sheriff

Jeremiah Holmes

701 Adams St.

P.O. Box 447

Fossil, OR 97830

Phone: (541) 763-4101


Elected:  11/3/2024

Term Ends:   2028


In Case of Emergency Dial: 911


After Hours Non-Emergencies:

(541) 384-2080



 Wheeler County, Oregon

payments only

Convenience Fees:

Credit Cards -2.50% with $2 minimum

ACH:  $2.00

Quick Links

Anonymous Reporting of Illegal Drug Activity

POC: Sheriff's Office

(541) 763-4101

Visit us on Facebook!


Check out our new Surplus  page under Businesses & Services!

Click on the image above for information on the burn ban, burn permits and preparing your home for wildland fires.


Fillable Burn Permit Application

Sheriff's Office

Do you need a Handgun Safety Course to get your Concealed Handgun License? Here is a link to the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association CHL Handgun Safety Class. This class is available to all persons as an educational tool free of charge. For those interested in obtaining the Oregon Concealed Handgun License, please note that the $55.00 certificate fee is comparable to other online classes.

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From the Sheriff:


I would like to welcome you to our website and invite you to browse through the pages.  Wheeler County Sheriff's Office is proud to serve the people of this great County, and we are excited to be able to promote public safety through the use of technology.  This website makes it easier for us to assist you in doing such things as:


  • Applying for your Concealed Handgun License (CHL)

  • Volunteering for the Sheriff's Office

  • Anonymously Reporting Drug Activity


The Wheeler County Sheriff's Office views this website as another way to maintain contact with our community, and we encourage your involvement. As always, if you have an emergency please dial 911. You can also call the Wheeler County Sheriff's Office at (541) 763-4101 for non-emergency issues.


Wheeler County Sheriff


"Dedicated to serving the citizens of Wheeler County with honor, integrity, and selflessness"

About the Sheriff's Office:


The Wheeler County Sheriff's Office dates back to 1899, when the first Sheriff, Perry Lewis "Lew" Keeton was appointed to serve as the first Wheeler County Sheriff.  Over one hundred years later the Wheeler County Sheriff's office is little changed. Bolstered by three Deputies, a Sheriff, and a multitude of dedicated Reserves and volunteers, the Wheeler County Sheriff's Office provides the only in-County law enforcement for the 1,715 square miles of mountains, canyons, and rivers that make up this beautiful county.  Wheeler County currently has a population of approximately 1,425.


Sheriff Jeremiah Holmes

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