​Wheeler County
Pictures provided by Damon Brosnan.

Contact Information
Sara Cole
Program Coordinator
Wheeler County Community Transportation
PO Box 111
Spray OR 97874
(541) 468-2859
Community Transportation
Wheeler County Community Transportation provides demand-responsive transportation services primarily to serve seniors and individuals with disabilities. WCCT has an open seat policy such that the general public may access the transportation as space is available on existing trips and are encouraged to ride.
Reasonable modifications in policies, practices, or procedures are available to accommodate individuals with disabilities. Information concerning transportation services is available in accessible formats, upon request. To make such a request, please contact WCCT's Program Coordinator using the contact information on this webpage.
TTY 1-800-735-1232 or 711
WCCT Trip Calendar
Please try to schedule your trips on days that have a trip already planned. Call the WCCT Office at 541-468-2859 to reserve a seat on the vehicle. Mitchell residents can call the toll free number at 1-800-721-8425
Wheeler County has formed committees to advise and assist Wheeler County Community Transportation in carrying out and prioritizing projects to be funded by STF and STIF moneys.
The purpose of the Advisory Committees is to advise the governing body of the STF and STIF Agency regarding the proposed distribution of Formula Program moneys and make recommendations to the Agency; Review Discretionary Grant proposals and make recommendations to the Agency; Participate in developing and updating of the STF and STIF Plans.
Current Examples are Special Transportation Fund Grant, §5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities under the STF Advisory Committee.
And the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Grant, and STIF Discretionary grant under the STIF Advisory Committee.
For more information regarding these committees and meeting times, please contact Jonathan Asher at (541) 468-2859 or email